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OSTF Minutes 10-6-08
                                               OPEN SPACE TASK FORCE
                                                    October 6,2008

Attendance: Pat Botteron, Louise Evans, Sue Larsen,  Karl Reichle, Betty Osborne, Roy Normen, Michael Gantick, Carol Heffler, Herb Asplund , Jim Snow

Chairman Pat Botteron called the meeting to order at 5:35.

Public Participation

Acceptance of Minutes

      Minutes of the July meeting were accepted as amended.
New Business

       Family Awareness day will be on October 25th.  Pat Botteron is looking for help that day with the Open Space Task Force table.  
        The map used at Heritage Day needs to be revised for street names (at least major roadways) and possibly on the back of the map a listing of the parcels.  Every commission member should have a list of properties in order to answer questions posed by the residents.
      Mike Gantick recommended Fall showings of the properties.  Next fall we are planning a walk through of Wapping Park.  During the winter the bridges and drainage will be worked.  Mike reported the trail system is laid out.  The parking lot is nearly complete.  He3 is hoping to have a trail booklet similar to the CT Blue Trail.
      Herb Asplund brought in a sample badge from the Patriotic Commission for us to look at.
      Much time was spent on a letter to the Town Council in an attempt to clarify the position of the Open Space Task on the Woodcock property. Carol would write a draft and send it to everyone for review.
     Property Updates  

     Karl Reichle reported the town closed on the Foster Farm property.

Other Business

     The next Meeting will be November 9th .

    The meeting was adjourned at 7:03 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sue W. Larsen